This blog is about my favourite topic and my country -Trinidad and Tobago. Herein lies my humble opinions, feelings and thoughts about where we as a people have been and where we are going; from the viewpoint of a "foreign" Trini.

At the end of my blogs look for the Trini vocab of the day. Our dialect is a rich tapestry of French, Spanish and British derivatives. I use Cote Ci Cote La - A Trinidad & Tobago dictionary for the translations.

I chose this name because I am in the business of being frank. In other words ah eh easy....


Thursday, January 7, 2010

I love when Trinis make us proud on the international stage

While I was browsing the ultra-hot topic in T&T now which is whether Beyonce' upcoming concert should be held or not I came across this article

The article discusses Trinidadian born event planner Collin Abraham who managed to rise from what in my youth was considered very humble beginnings to rubbing shoulders with the elite of all kinds. I'm not talking about just any elite I'm talking President of the United States elite not to mention a whole host of celebrities.

The most fascinating part of Mr. Abraham's story for me was not only his apparent heterosexuality but the route he traveled to arrive at event planner to the stars.
The Trinidad and Tobago Newsday article written in 2008 states that he went to Barataria Senior Comp, then to the Prison Service followed by the Police Service.


Collin, (yeah we on a first name basis now), then left Trinidad in 1998 to pursue a course in sound engineering in New York and ended up working part-time as a floral decorator at the Waldorf-Astoria. Then, voila` Puff Daddy wants him to work the infamous Hamptons "White Party" before you know it, Collin in de ting wit eh..verybody. Well, Yes!

You ever see ting so? It seems the most natural progression in the world the way they tell it!

My question is how do we get people like Collin to mentor the youth at home? We need Trinidadian heroes that are accessible to people. I want them to get the message that poverty and the lifestyle of poverty are not necessary, inevitable or nor worthy of pride but heart, hard work and perseverance are.

Trini word of the day
Doh Be lucky an' coward - Success comes only if you try. Cote' ci cote la - Trinidad and Tobago Dictionary

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