This blog is about my favourite topic and my country -Trinidad and Tobago. Herein lies my humble opinions, feelings and thoughts about where we as a people have been and where we are going; from the viewpoint of a "foreign" Trini.

At the end of my blogs look for the Trini vocab of the day. Our dialect is a rich tapestry of French, Spanish and British derivatives. I use Cote Ci Cote La - A Trinidad & Tobago dictionary for the translations.

I chose this name because I am in the business of being frank. In other words ah eh easy....


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Beyonce or Police I don't know where to start

Yesterday I ranted about the police and how there is not enough accountability in the task force. Lo and behold, I came upon this article.

The article discusses an investigation underway by the Anti Corruption Investigation Bureau (ACIB)in Trinidad involving 40 police officers, IT officers and cleaning people with regard to 94000 USD that went missing from the property room. Funny enough the very police officers under investigation conveniently have a suspect of their own, that has fled the country and that they are trying to locate and interview. All 40 ah dem have alibi...you think it easy? But wait nuh, plenty more story to come.

The accused(s) have also mentioned that the "businessman" that managed to get away with the cash was supposed to have replaced it with counterfeit money that was to be exchanged (with a mystery person not even directly mentioned in the article), LAST WEEK TUESDAY!

You mean to tell me, we have IT but no security cameras or special security clearance devices? Do the cleaners and IT people have access to the property room too? What took the ACIB so long to begin an investigation?

Perhaps instead of investing $30 million dollars on a Beyonce concert OR Carnival fetes maybe we should invest $30 million dollars in making it easier for the police to prevent crimes as well as solve them?

Doh feel dah whole Beyonce' talk done either...she and TSTT on the hot chair tomorrow.



Trini word of the day
Bobol- French bobard- Lie, tall story. Cooking the books. To steal money or equipment, or anything valuable from a company.

In bobol-Several persons involved in dishonesty and covering for each other
--Cote'Ci Cote la. Trinidad and Tobago dictionary

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