This blog is about my favourite topic and my country -Trinidad and Tobago. Herein lies my humble opinions, feelings and thoughts about where we as a people have been and where we are going; from the viewpoint of a "foreign" Trini.

At the end of my blogs look for the Trini vocab of the day. Our dialect is a rich tapestry of French, Spanish and British derivatives. I use Cote Ci Cote La - A Trinidad & Tobago dictionary for the translations.

I chose this name because I am in the business of being frank. In other words ah eh easy....


Sunday, August 1, 2010


Trinidad has come a long way from it's colony days. Like a foal it struggles to climb to it's feet, clumsy and unaware but ambitious as only the young are. I am so proud of my little island home. We have plenty to learn still but we fighting up. As an example of our comically interesting history, I read an article about a marked reflection on the attempted coup. I was only a child then. I was confused and intrigued by the clamor in the adult world. I could sense that something was terribly wrong but I was not afraid merely ...intrigued. Anyway, the coup took place on July, 28 1990. My little half sister and 2 brother were at my house. We watched Pinnochio and The Little Mermaid over and over and over again because the TV had suddenly been "taken over".

The Muslimeen Al Jamaat wounded the Prime Minister and crippled the country's media and was still given amnesty. Many years later it seems as if there are no hard feelings. The leader of the guerilla group Abu Bakr welcomed an initiative by the Government to auction their properties to repay the damages endured during the attack. Can we say, what the hell? I can't make this stuff up people.

One hand cyar clap. It's best to have a spirit of cooperation.